It doesn't stop here, however. Assuming you've read the title of this article, you're hoping to try out my app for free. I can allow that, for the lucky readers of my blog who still visit this place after months without me posting a new article. You are a special kind of awesome to me; that's why I'm giving away 10 promo codes for Monochrome!
After you've used a code, it's appreciated if you could write a comment letting me know which ones I can cross off. If they're all used up, you're out of luck for now but who knows, I might do another giveaway sometime in the future. Right now, I'll need to find some time next to my studies to give the app a huge makeover and add more settings/features. I might be able to get the app in the "downloadable" camera apps section, but for that I'll have to get rid of the gesture settings: they weren't as intuitive as I initially hoped, according to the developers at Sony Developer World. If I manage to find time to update the app soon, I'll definitely do another promo giveaway after the update!
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